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Quinn Michael Wells

Former Head of State

Beiträge: 10 046

Beruf: Fr. Vice President

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Astor's dead! Long live Astor!
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Sonntag, 31. März 2013, 09:40

2013/03/004 Resolution concerning corrections of minor mistakes in laws

Honorable Commoners,

zur 96stündigen Abstimmung steht folgender Entwurf:

Resolution concerning corrections of minor mistakes in laws

Die Assembly von Astoria State beauftragt den für die Archivierung der Gesetzestexte von Astoria State Verantwortlichen damit, kleinere Fehler (Rechtschreibfehler, Fehler in der Zeichensetzung, Formatierungsfehler, Doppelte Großbuchstaben am Wortanfang) selbstständig zu korrigieren. Diese Korrekturen dürfen weder Wortlaut noch Sinninhalt des Gesetzestextes verändern.

Bitte stimmen Sie mit AYE, NAY oder ABSTENTION.

Quinn Michael Wells, Laureate of the Presidential Honor Star

Former (XXXVII.) Vice President of the US | Former Senator of Astoria State | Former SotI | Former Vice-Presidential Nominee | Former Speaker of the Assembly
3 Times Governor of Astoria State
Record: Longest consecutive Term and most days in office as Governor of Astoria State

Quinn Michael Wells

Former Head of State

Beiträge: 10 046

Beruf: Fr. Vice President

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Astor's dead! Long live Astor!
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Sonntag, 31. März 2013, 09:45


Quinn Michael Wells, Laureate of the Presidential Honor Star

Former (XXXVII.) Vice President of the US | Former Senator of Astoria State | Former SotI | Former Vice-Presidential Nominee | Former Speaker of the Assembly
3 Times Governor of Astoria State
Record: Longest consecutive Term and most days in office as Governor of Astoria State

Beiträge: 294

Beruf: Politician

Wohnort: Gold Valley City

Bundesstaat: Serena

What's Up?
Die nächsten 4 Monate werden starke 4 Monate!
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Sonntag, 31. März 2013, 13:20

Great Mayor of Gold Valley City

Former Senator of Astoria State
Former Chairman on Intelligence and Homeland Security
Former Speaker of the Assembly of Astoria State

Elizabeth Hamilton

President of the United States

Beiträge: 1 602

Beruf: Präsidentin

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: -

What's Up?
Ein spannender Wahlabend!
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Montag, 1. April 2013, 13:32


Deputy Chairwoman of the Republican National Comittee

Quinn Michael Wells

Former Head of State

Beiträge: 10 046

Beruf: Fr. Vice President

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Astor's dead! Long live Astor!
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Donnerstag, 4. April 2013, 09:34

Honorable Commoners,

ich beende die Abstimmung und stelle fest, dass bei 3 AYE-Stimmen die Resolution angenommen wurde. Dem Archivar von Astoria State steht es damit frei, kleinste Fehler in Gesetzen auszubessern.

Quinn Michael Wells, Laureate of the Presidential Honor Star

Former (XXXVII.) Vice President of the US | Former Senator of Astoria State | Former SotI | Former Vice-Presidential Nominee | Former Speaker of the Assembly
3 Times Governor of Astoria State
Record: Longest consecutive Term and most days in office as Governor of Astoria State