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Of course it does.
Handlung: bestätigt er.
Shawn Gerald Bowman III
Former White House Chief of Staff (President Lugo) | Former Attorney General (President Clark and President Kingston) | Former Associate Attorney General for Civil Rights
Handlung: Deutet auf den Zettel.
Sind das die Vorschläge?
Matthew Carrión "Matt" Lugo (D -AS)
53rd President of the United States
Former Governor of Astoria | Former Senior Advisor to the President (B. Laval II Administration) | Former Lieutenant Governor of Astoria State
Liberty State
Handlung: Reicht die Liste hinüber an den Präsidenten.
Es hat eine gewisse Ironie, dass sie ausgerechnet die betroffene Abteilung den neuen Chef auswählen ließen, finde ich.
Shawn Gerald Bowman III
Former White House Chief of Staff (President Lugo) | Former Attorney General (President Clark and President Kingston) | Former Associate Attorney General for Civil Rights
Finden Sie, Shawn? - Die Auswahl treffe noch immer ich. Warum also sollten nicht die Personalfachleute den Vorschlag machen?
Matthew Carrión "Matt" Lugo (D -AS)
53rd President of the United States
Former Governor of Astoria | Former Senior Advisor to the President (B. Laval II Administration) | Former Lieutenant Governor of Astoria State
Liberty State
You know my answer, Mr President.
Handlung: stellt er fest.
Shawn Gerald Bowman III
Former White House Chief of Staff (President Lugo) | Former Attorney General (President Clark and President Kingston) | Former Associate Attorney General for Civil Rights
Und trotzdem bringen Sie es wieder zur Sprache, Shawn. Habe ich Ihnen schon einmal gesagt, dass ich Sie auch wegen Ihrer Vehemenz hier haben wollte?
Handlung: versucht er diese Diskussion abzuwürgen.
Matthew Carrión "Matt" Lugo (D -AS)
53rd President of the United States
Former Governor of Astoria | Former Senior Advisor to the President (B. Laval II Administration) | Former Lieutenant Governor of Astoria State
Liberty State
Ich kann mich nicht erinnern.
Handlung: antwortet er. Und im übrigen weiß ich nicht, ob das eine Beförderung war: Die Bezahlung ist gleich, das Büro nur halb so groß...
Shawn Gerald Bowman III
Former White House Chief of Staff (President Lugo) | Former Attorney General (President Clark and President Kingston) | Former Associate Attorney General for Civil Rights
Dafür sitzen Sie sogar näher bei mir als der Vice President. Das mit den Büros ist so eine Sache, das hier ist eben ein altes Gebäude.
Handlung: geht er darauf - ebenfalls augenzwinkernd - ein.
Matthew Carrión "Matt" Lugo (D -AS)
53rd President of the United States
Former Governor of Astoria | Former Senior Advisor to the President (B. Laval II Administration) | Former Lieutenant Governor of Astoria State
Liberty State
Oh, come on, Sir: President Clark made a great renovation to this Office.
Handlung: kann er sich eine spitze Anmerkung nicht verkneifen. Nirgendwo sonst mussten Führungskräfte so beengt arbeiten wie im White House. Aber Sie lenken vom Thema ab.
Shawn Gerald Bowman III
Former White House Chief of Staff (President Lugo) | Former Attorney General (President Clark and President Kingston) | Former Associate Attorney General for Civil Rights
The smaller the rooms, the closer to the President.
Handlung: stellt er fest - auch wenn die Raumsituation ihn in seiner kurzen Zeit als Mitarbeiter hier auch gestört hatte. Offensichtlich nicht erfolgreich. Aber das ist doch kalter Kaffee.
Matthew Carrión "Matt" Lugo (D -AS)
53rd President of the United States
Former Governor of Astoria | Former Senior Advisor to the President (B. Laval II Administration) | Former Lieutenant Governor of Astoria State
Liberty State
Ich verstehe eben immer noch nicht, warum das Personal nicht im Office of Operations geblieben ist.
Shawn Gerald Bowman III
Former White House Chief of Staff (President Lugo) | Former Attorney General (President Clark and President Kingston) | Former Associate Attorney General for Civil Rights
Und ich verstehe nicht, warum der Wähler mir einen Speaker Parker auf den Hals hetzen musste.
Matthew Carrión "Matt" Lugo (D -AS)
53rd President of the United States
Former Governor of Astoria | Former Senior Advisor to the President (B. Laval II Administration) | Former Lieutenant Governor of Astoria State
Liberty State
Nach allem, was Charlie berichtet, ist die Croft doch viel schlimmer.
Handlung: streut er ein.
Shawn Gerald Bowman III
Former White House Chief of Staff (President Lugo) | Former Attorney General (President Clark and President Kingston) | Former Associate Attorney General for Civil Rights
Mag sein, aber sie ist wenigstens Republikanerin.
Matthew Carrión "Matt" Lugo (D -AS)
53rd President of the United States
Former Governor of Astoria | Former Senior Advisor to the President (B. Laval II Administration) | Former Lieutenant Governor of Astoria State
Liberty State
Was Parteien angeht sind Sie also Purist, nur mit Antworten haben Sie es nicht so.
Handlung: stellt er ein wenig provozierend fest.
Shawn Gerald Bowman III
Former White House Chief of Staff (President Lugo) | Former Attorney General (President Clark and President Kingston) | Former Associate Attorney General for Civil Rights
Handlung: Seufzt. Cold Coffee, as I said. Ich wollte die Personalentscheidungen für diese Behörde eben etwas direkter haben und den Chief of Staff entlasten.
Matthew Carrión "Matt" Lugo (D -AS)
53rd President of the United States
Former Governor of Astoria | Former Senior Advisor to the President (B. Laval II Administration) | Former Lieutenant Governor of Astoria State
Liberty State
Aber ich bin doch gerade der Chief of Staff.
Handlung: wiederholt er sein Argument.
Shawn Gerald Bowman III
Former White House Chief of Staff (President Lugo) | Former Attorney General (President Clark and President Kingston) | Former Associate Attorney General for Civil Rights
Richtig. Deswegen wollte ich ja auch Ihre Meinung zu den Vorschlägen, Shawn.
Matthew Carrión "Matt" Lugo (D -AS)
53rd President of the United States
Former Governor of Astoria | Former Senior Advisor to the President (B. Laval II Administration) | Former Lieutenant Governor of Astoria State
Liberty State
I fear there is a problem with that...
Shawn Gerald Bowman III
Former White House Chief of Staff (President Lugo) | Former Attorney General (President Clark and President Kingston) | Former Associate Attorney General for Civil Rights
... es gibt mangels Vorbereitung - aus Protest - keine Meinung?
Matthew Carrión "Matt" Lugo (D -AS)
53rd President of the United States
Former Governor of Astoria | Former Senior Advisor to the President (B. Laval II Administration) | Former Lieutenant Governor of Astoria State
Liberty State