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There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell. You can bear this warning voice to generations yet to come. I look upon war with horror.
General; Former Commandant of the United States Marine Corps;
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
Marines never die, they just go to hell to regroup.
Wer weiß, vielleicht bringst du mir auch bald Gesetzesentwürfe
Einen Drink?
There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell. You can bear this warning voice to generations yet to come. I look upon war with horror.
General; Former Commandant of the United States Marine Corps;
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
Marines never die, they just go to hell to regroup.
Was kleinem wäre ich nicht abgeneigt, aber ich muss noch gehend dein Haus verlassen.
Passt übrigens entfernt zum Grund meines kommens. Ich habe dein Statement letztens vernommen.
Gegen den Rassismus oder das organisierte Verbrechen?
There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell. You can bear this warning voice to generations yet to come. I look upon war with horror.
General; Former Commandant of the United States Marine Corps;
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
Marines never die, they just go to hell to regroup.
Die Straliengrenze uss scharf kontrolliert werden.
Ich habe nichts gegen Drogen, aber es muss sichergestellt werden, dass die nicht gepuncht sind.
Staatliche Abgabestellen, lizensierter Transport, von der Staatsregierung vergeben.
Es kann nicht sein, dass irgendein Typ mit einem verranzten LKW Drogen schmuggelt...
There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell. You can bear this warning voice to generations yet to come. I look upon war with horror.
General; Former Commandant of the United States Marine Corps;
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
Marines never die, they just go to hell to regroup.
There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell. You can bear this warning voice to generations yet to come. I look upon war with horror.
General; Former Commandant of the United States Marine Corps;
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
Marines never die, they just go to hell to regroup.
Ich habe noch keine konkreten Pläne, aber es kann nicht sein, dass alles mögliche Zeug quasi ungehindert nach Astor gelangt und die Jungs von Customs and Border dabei zusehen müssen. Die achten auf illegale Einwanderer und Kriegswaffen, aber alles mögliche an Pulvern, Pillen und Pflanzen ist völlig legal.
Aye, da muss man tätig werden, zur Not eben mit einer NACaBP.
There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell. You can bear this warning voice to generations yet to come. I look upon war with horror.
General; Former Commandant of the United States Marine Corps;
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
Marines never die, they just go to hell to regroup.
Nein, ich hatte mal einen Gesetzesentwurf erarbeitet, aber der drehte sich um die Ranger und war lngst nicht fertig...
There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell. You can bear this warning voice to generations yet to come. I look upon war with horror.
General; Former Commandant of the United States Marine Corps;
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
Marines never die, they just go to hell to regroup.
Dann nennen wir das Kind anders.
Der Bund behält die Hoheit an der Grenze und wir stellen eine Einheit auf, die ... sagen wir 50 Meilen hinter der Grenze kontrolliert.
There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell. You can bear this warning voice to generations yet to come. I look upon war with horror.
General; Former Commandant of the United States Marine Corps;
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
Marines never die, they just go to hell to regroup.
Dann geben wir dem Bundespersonal eben Befugnisse für New Alcantara?
Das müsste doch über die Legislature zu regeln sein...
There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell. You can bear this warning voice to generations yet to come. I look upon war with horror.
General; Former Commandant of the United States Marine Corps;
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
Marines never die, they just go to hell to regroup.