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Steve McQueen

THE General!

Beiträge: 7 177

Wohnort: Montague County

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

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Montag, 19. Dezember 2016, 17:35

Die aktuelle Staffel Vikings ist wieder sehr gut :D
There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell. You can bear this warning voice to generations yet to come. I look upon war with horror.

General; Former Commandant of the United States Marine Corps;
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;

Marines never die, they just go to hell to regroup.

McQueen Petroleum

Lyman Taft


Beiträge: 2 405

Wohnort: Durban

Bundesstaat: Assentia

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Montag, 19. Dezember 2016, 19:05

Direkt mal kieken. :)

Beiträge: 1 810

Beruf: Leader of the Church of Unitology

Wohnort: Santa Rosa

Bundesstaat: Laurentiana

What's Up?
Join the Church of Unitology today and change your Life!
free Auditings
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Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2017, 16:52

Nach Star Trek - the next Generation im Sommer bin ich nun kurz vor dem Ende der vierten Staffel von Star Trek - Deep Space Nine. :thumbsup:
Jonathan James Bowler

Leader of the Church of Unitology

Lyman Taft


Beiträge: 2 405

Wohnort: Durban

Bundesstaat: Assentia

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Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2017, 20:29

Raumschiff Enterprise - richtig stark.

Beiträge: 3 395

Beruf: Sport-Funktionär

Wohnort: Durban

Bundesstaat: Assentia

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Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2017, 21:16

Durban Warriors: 4 x ASL-Champion, 1 x Astoria Soccer Trophy
Assentia Generals: 1 x PABL-Champion, 2 x Northern Division
Castle Rock Grizzlies: 1 x AHL-Champion, 3 x Conference Champion
Freyburg Emperors: 1 x ABA-Champion
Desperation Enforcers: 1 x Super Bowl-Sieger, 2 x AFL-Northern Conference

Marc Peterson

at the other end of the rainbow

Beiträge: 2 393

Beruf: Billionair's Widower

Wohnort: Astoria City

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
In Love, in Fear, in Hate, in Tears: Sit down next to me. Sit down in Sympathy.
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Montag, 23. Januar 2017, 22:44

8o Lucifer Season 2 ist ja raus ... wieso sagt mir das keiner?! X(
Marc Peterson
Don't try to gorge the whole buffet. Just take what you need.

Roger Castro

A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything

Beiträge: 526

Wohnort: Astor

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
The Wall, ist das alles was ihr könnt?
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Dienstag, 24. Januar 2017, 16:18

FURTITUDE kann ich sehr empfehlen!
Roger Castro
Senior Counselor to President Montgomery I II Former special Adviser to President B.Laval II | Former White House Communications Director President Clark I |Former Senior Advisor to President Clark II Former Chairman Lighthouse Foundation

Jake Ulysses Smith

Former Vice President of the United States

Beiträge: 2 614

Wohnort: Octavia

Bundesstaat: Laurentiana

What's Up?
It's time to return to the House.
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Dienstag, 7. Februar 2017, 21:11

Breaking Bad und Roseanne. Geile Scheiße. :D
Jake U. Smith

Fr. Chairman of the Democratic Party of Laurentiana | Fr. Vice President of the United States

Jake Ulysses Smith

Former Vice President of the United States

Beiträge: 2 614

Wohnort: Octavia

Bundesstaat: Laurentiana

What's Up?
It's time to return to the House.
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Mittwoch, 8. März 2017, 18:44

Horvathslos. Mal wieder. :D
Jake U. Smith

Fr. Chairman of the Democratic Party of Laurentiana | Fr. Vice President of the United States

Adam Denton

Freeland pour toujours!

Beiträge: 4 407

Wohnort: Amada

Bundesstaat: Freeland

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Mittwoch, 8. März 2017, 18:45

Oh Gott :thumbsup:
Not tolerating intolerance isn’t intolerance;
it’s preserving tolerance.

Jake Ulysses Smith

Former Vice President of the United States

Beiträge: 2 614

Wohnort: Octavia

Bundesstaat: Laurentiana

What's Up?
It's time to return to the House.
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Mittwoch, 8. März 2017, 18:51

"Wos hod da Voda scho imma gsogd? Sichan is fia Oaschlecha! TOOOOONI!" :D
Jake U. Smith

Fr. Chairman of the Democratic Party of Laurentiana | Fr. Vice President of the United States

Beiträge: 241

Beruf: CEO & Investor

Wohnort: Hamilton

Bundesstaat: Freeland

What's Up?
You killed the owl you freed the dove!
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Mittwoch, 8. März 2017, 21:41

Milton Kernberg, MD-PhD
Manager & Investor

Beiträge: 1 810

Beruf: Leader of the Church of Unitology

Wohnort: Santa Rosa

Bundesstaat: Laurentiana

What's Up?
Join the Church of Unitology today and change your Life!
free Auditings
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Dienstag, 14. März 2017, 00:37

Nach Star Trek - the next Generation im Sommer bin ich nun kurz vor dem Ende der vierten Staffel von Star Trek - Deep Space Nine. :thumbsup:

Und nun ist auch die siebte Staffel und somit die Serie zu Ende. :(
Aber ich wurde gut unterhalten. :thumbup:
Klar, es gab auch eher schwache Episoden, aber alles in allem eine hervorragende Serie! Vor allem die Handlungsstränge die sich während der gesamten Serie aufgebaut haben, haben es mir angetan.

Im Gegensatz zu The Next Generation kannte ich aus Jugendtagen nur die erste Staffel, so ist es auch bei Star Trek - Voyager .
Jonathan James Bowler

Leader of the Church of Unitology

Jake Ulysses Smith

Former Vice President of the United States

Beiträge: 2 614

Wohnort: Octavia

Bundesstaat: Laurentiana

What's Up?
It's time to return to the House.
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Montag, 1. Mai 2017, 19:40

The West Wing :thumbsup:
Jake U. Smith

Fr. Chairman of the Democratic Party of Laurentiana | Fr. Vice President of the United States

Beiträge: 8 215

Beruf: U.S. President

Wohnort: Bay Lake

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

What's Up?
Congratulations, Gov. Matt LUGO - doing it my way wouldn't have been necessary, mate!
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Montag, 1. Mai 2017, 19:48

The West Wing :thumbsup:

One of TVs best for eternity!

David J. Clark (D-NA)

52nd President of the United States
Former U.S. Representative | Former Speaker of the House | Former Vice-Chairman of the DNC

Quinn Michael Wells

Former Head of State

Beiträge: 10 046

Beruf: Fr. Vice President

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Astor's dead! Long live Astor!
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Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2017, 11:42

"Designated Survivor" auf Netflix - super Polit-Serie.

Quinn Michael Wells, Laureate of the Presidential Honor Star

Former (XXXVII.) Vice President of the US | Former Senator of Astoria State | Former SotI | Former Vice-Presidential Nominee | Former Speaker of the Assembly
3 Times Governor of Astoria State
Record: Longest consecutive Term and most days in office as Governor of Astoria State

Beiträge: 1 610

Beruf: Politician

Wohnort: El Conjunto

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

What's Up?
United in diversity.
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Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2017, 14:42

Schau sie mir auch immer auf ABC.

James F. Canterbury
Governor of New Alcantara
50th President of the United States
49th Vice President of the United States
Former Secretary of State
Former Attorney General
Former Special Advisor to the President
Former First Legislator
Former Governor

Chester W. Beemster

U.S. Representative

Beiträge: 839

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Do you want to hear the Aladeen News or the Aladeen News?
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Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2017, 17:24

Ja ja, grindiger Amerikaner. :P
Former Director of the Astoria State Amnesty Agency

Beiträge: 1 610

Beruf: Politician

Wohnort: El Conjunto

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

What's Up?
United in diversity.
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Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2017, 03:47

Eh nur noch für drei Wochen :rolleyes

James F. Canterbury
Governor of New Alcantara
50th President of the United States
49th Vice President of the United States
Former Secretary of State
Former Attorney General
Former Special Advisor to the President
Former First Legislator
Former Governor

James Wayne

U.S. Senator

Beiträge: 328

Bundesstaat: Laurentiana

What's Up?
Rebuild Astor!
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Sonntag, 28. Mai 2017, 16:13

Kann mir jemand helfen? Was ist besser, Veep oder The Thick of it?