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[Peninsula] St. Vincent

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Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 00:50

Ah, so Amy is a Sunset Heights girl. Stanton isn't that far away from Las Venturas, the town from which I'm from. Yeah, I'm one of the few chaps, who are actually born there and didn't move there ;)
Charles Kevin Darling
Former-Governor of the State of Peninsula

Beiträge: 330

Beruf: Journalistin

Wohnort: Santa Clara, Peninsula

Bundesstaat: -

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Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 00:53

is laughing
Yes a Sunset Heights girl.
And you still live in Las Venturas?
101% lesbian ;)
Amanda Lee Rogers

Besitzerin der Santa Clara Hammerheads
Kommentatorin der FTA


Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 00:55

I've got an apartment there, but most of the time I'm either in Freeport City and I used to be in Astoria City for quite a time and everynow and then I'm in my Embassy in Manuri, DU ;)
Charles Kevin Darling
Former-Governor of the State of Peninsula

Beiträge: 330

Beruf: Journalistin

Wohnort: Santa Clara, Peninsula

Bundesstaat: -

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Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 00:57

Than you really did moved a lot. ;)
101% lesbian ;)
Amanda Lee Rogers

Besitzerin der Santa Clara Hammerheads
Kommentatorin der FTA


Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 00:58

Yeah, but there is still a lot to see. This is my first visit to St. Vincent. I really regret not having come here earlier.
Charles Kevin Darling
Former-Governor of the State of Peninsula

Beiträge: 330

Beruf: Journalistin

Wohnort: Santa Clara, Peninsula

Bundesstaat: -

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Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 01:02

Well, I could guess, that you will come more often, won't you?
Can you scuba-diving or surfiing?
101% lesbian ;)
Amanda Lee Rogers

Besitzerin der Santa Clara Hammerheads
Kommentatorin der FTA


Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 01:06

Nope, never had the chance of doing so, but I'm interested. Do you know people who can teach it. There must be a lot of teachers here? Maybe we could then go out together for a swim in the ocean.
Charles Kevin Darling
Former-Governor of the State of Peninsula

Beiträge: 330

Beruf: Journalistin

Wohnort: Santa Clara, Peninsula

Bundesstaat: -

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Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 01:08

I think it should not be problem to find e theacher for you. For example Mr Carrock or even I can teach you surfing.
But for scuba-diving you schould take some lessons from a professional.
101% lesbian ;)
Amanda Lee Rogers

Besitzerin der Santa Clara Hammerheads
Kommentatorin der FTA


Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 01:17

Well let's start above water. So I may ask you. Let#s definetly stay in contact Amy. I might be a bit busy, but there is always some time for some change. It helps the job.
Charles Kevin Darling
Former-Governor of the State of Peninsula

Beiträge: 330

Beruf: Journalistin

Wohnort: Santa Clara, Peninsula

Bundesstaat: -

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Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 01:20

Well, you can ask me whenever you want.
I hope, I'll be a good teacher. :D
101% lesbian ;)
Amanda Lee Rogers

Besitzerin der Santa Clara Hammerheads
Kommentatorin der FTA


Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 01:28

I believe you should do well, I hope I'm a good student. It's been a while since I've been to University ;)
Charles Kevin Darling
Former-Governor of the State of Peninsula

Beiträge: 330

Beruf: Journalistin

Wohnort: Santa Clara, Peninsula

Bundesstaat: -

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Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 01:30

The most important thing is that you can control your body.
Do you make any sports?
101% lesbian ;)
Amanda Lee Rogers

Besitzerin der Santa Clara Hammerheads
Kommentatorin der FTA


Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 01:36

i do politics :D
No, but I actually try to do some running. But kind of irregular. Just whenever I've got time.
Charles Kevin Darling
Former-Governor of the State of Peninsula

Beiträge: 330

Beruf: Journalistin

Wohnort: Santa Clara, Peninsula

Bundesstaat: -

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Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 01:37

Well, could be pretty hard.
But for you, not for me. :D

So, you do only politics? The whole day long?
101% lesbian ;)
Amanda Lee Rogers

Besitzerin der Santa Clara Hammerheads
Kommentatorin der FTA


Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 01:41

Well no, the other half of the day i'm travelling. My work places are spread quite a bit, bus as I'm Governor, I hope I can limit my journeys more to Peninsula and not right all over the States or beyond that.

I also have to prepare things. Read stuff, write stuff. Discuss things, analyse things and also I have to relax sometimes. ;)
Charles Kevin Darling
Former-Governor of the State of Peninsula

Beiträge: 330

Beruf: Journalistin

Wohnort: Santa Clara, Peninsula

Bundesstaat: -

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Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 01:44

When you have a lot of stress you should go to the beach.
And maybe you can surf at the beach and ride the waves.

It's lovely and pure freedom. 8)
101% lesbian ;)
Amanda Lee Rogers

Besitzerin der Santa Clara Hammerheads
Kommentatorin der FTA


Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 01:49

So I believe. It's a pitty that the water is so salty ;)

*looks at his watch*

O dear me. Look what happens, when you talk to interesting people.
Charles Kevin Darling
Former-Governor of the State of Peninsula

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Charles K. Darling« (26. Juni 2007, 01:51)

Beiträge: 330

Beruf: Journalistin

Wohnort: Santa Clara, Peninsula

Bundesstaat: -

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Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 01:53

Yes it's really late. Or early. Depends on the view. :D
101% lesbian ;)
Amanda Lee Rogers

Besitzerin der Santa Clara Hammerheads
Kommentatorin der FTA


Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 01:53

Uhm yah, eh *grins*

It's a young day to change the world.
Charles Kevin Darling
Former-Governor of the State of Peninsula

Beiträge: 330

Beruf: Journalistin

Wohnort: Santa Clara, Peninsula

Bundesstaat: -

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Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 01:58

Yes, but it's getting cold.
101% lesbian ;)
Amanda Lee Rogers

Besitzerin der Santa Clara Hammerheads
Kommentatorin der FTA