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Beiträge: 2 666

Beruf: Politician

Wohnort: Maripa, St. Lawrence

Bundesstaat: Laurentiana

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Samstag, 13. Januar 2018, 21:26

2018/01/01 - Election of the Speaker

Honorable Commoners,

Mr. Kingston ist der einzige Kandidat für das Amt des Speakers.

Sind Sie dafür, dass Mr. Benjamin Kingston zum Speaker of the Assembly gewählt wird?

Stimmen Sie mit Aye, Nay, oder Present.


55th President of the United States
47th & 49th Speaker of the House of Representatives
29th President of the U. S. Senate
Former Congressman
Former Senator

Beiträge: 2 195

Beruf: Politican

Wohnort: Astoria City

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

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Samstag, 13. Januar 2018, 22:06


Matthew Carrión "Matt" Lugo (D-AS)
53rd President of the United States
Former Governor of Astoria | Former Senior Advisor to the President (B. Laval II Administration) | Former Lieutenant Governor of Astoria State
Liberty State

Sue Wells

nemo iudex in causa sua

Beiträge: 461

Beruf: Lawyer

Wohnort: Flint, AS

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

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Samstag, 13. Januar 2018, 23:26

Sue Wells, S.J.D., J.D. (AS)
née McKellan
Attorney-at-law (on leave)
Former Astoria State Attorney General

Former Attorney General of the United States of Astor
Former Governor of Astoria State


Beiträge: 2 666

Beruf: Politician

Wohnort: Maripa, St. Lawrence

Bundesstaat: Laurentiana

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Samstag, 13. Januar 2018, 23:40

Ich stelle fest, dass eine absolute Mehrheit erreicht ist.

Auf Aye entfielen zwei der abgegebenen Stimmen, auf Nay und Present null. Damit ist Mr. Kingston zum Speaker gewählt!

Mr. Speaker-elect, please take the oath of Office.


55th President of the United States
47th & 49th Speaker of the House of Representatives
29th President of the U. S. Senate
Former Congressman
Former Senator

Beiträge: 2 666

Beruf: Politician

Wohnort: Maripa, St. Lawrence

Bundesstaat: Laurentiana

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Samstag, 13. Januar 2018, 23:40

I, Benjamin Arthur Kingston Junior, do solemnly swear that I will preserve the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Astoria and that I will execute the duties of the office on which I am about to enter faithfully and to the best of my ability; so help me God!


55th President of the United States
47th & 49th Speaker of the House of Representatives
29th President of the U. S. Senate
Former Congressman
Former Senator

Sue Wells

nemo iudex in causa sua

Beiträge: 461

Beruf: Lawyer

Wohnort: Flint, AS

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

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Samstag, 13. Januar 2018, 23:52

Congratulations, Mr. Speaker. Das ging ja schnell. :)
Sue Wells, S.J.D., J.D. (AS)
née McKellan
Attorney-at-law (on leave)
Former Astoria State Attorney General

Former Attorney General of the United States of Astor
Former Governor of Astoria State
